Merry Christmas from the Open Science MOOC team

Welcome to the final MOOC monthly update of 2018!

Well, what a year it has been! Very recently we finally launched the MOOC on the open source platform, Eliademy. This comes as part of a huge, and ongoing effort, from a great community of people. We want to extend our thanks and gratitude for everyone for helping us to get to this stage.

Honestly, after so much effort, this comes as a huge relief. People are already completing the tasks, getting certified, and the feedback we are getting is all overwhelmingly positive.

An example of the certificate you get upon completion

Some key points on how the community is developing:

  • 203 people are currently enrolled, and participating, in the MOOC. Growth rate is 15-20 people per day.

  • 352 people have joined our open Slack channel

  • 91 have joined our open GitHub team

  • 45 strategic partners have joined us in support of the MOOC

  • We also have more than 4,500 followers on Twitter and more than 430 on Facebook

Looking to the future

In the near future, our communication strategy is going to focus on delivering the course content into graduate schools as part of formal training programs. We might also have to look into funding to sustain growth. Both of these things should be much easier now we have the pilot module completed and live! The intention of both of these things will focus on expanding the community beyond our present, very local, social bubble.

As part of our commitment to openness, we are also going to start looking into migrating the development and community into more open source alternative platforms to many of the above.

We are also aiming to officially launch the next module in the first few weeks of 2019, so keep an eye out for that! If you want to get in touch about any of this, feel free to drop us a message at any of the above locations, or simply send us an email.

We appreciate all of your ongoing support, and will continue with developing the content and putting it out there for use as soon as it is ready.


Jon and the Open Science MOOC team